When autumn comes to town, there's a sense of hunkering down, getting to work, and moving forward. I find that now that classes are settled, I push to make this time valuable before the holiday season takes over.

SaraBibikDance can provide that little extra tool to make your life easier. A simple page of inspiration, fun way to keep track of corrections, or a full set of ballet coloring pages, can be the thing that helps you bring an extra spark to the studio.
Brand new at the SaraBibikDance ETSY store, is an "EXCELLENCE" series. This series is great to use as simple talking points, post them, or helpful hand-outs. Divided in three sections, Class, Rehearsal, and Performance, it offers practical and important points for all dancers. It's more than advice; it's etiquette, success tips, and practical life skills. I made it when it became clear that some items needed to be addressed but didn't fit it into my regular class and rehearsal time.
The first section "CLASS" is included in gratis this email. Please enjoy and use as you wish. If you'd like to complete the set, please go to Etsy.com to download the full six page series.
On SaraBibikDance.com they are included in Activities for All Dancers, GOALS package.

Please let me know if you have any questions, issues, or requests. We are all in this together and making the world a more respectful, kind, and beautiful place takes our village.
Looking forward!!